The 2019 general elections may have come and gone but not without shocking revelations as to what transpired in the various aspects of the elections. 

A lot may have happened which resulted to winners and  losers emerging, Asehappen in this except brings you shocking revelations alleged to have transpired, before, during and after the elections.

This revelations are mixed with betrayals, conspiracies, greed for money and power.

1. First on our list today is the Abi/Yakurr Federal constituency election.

The race for the soul of the federal constituency was keenly contested by the current speaker of the state house of assembly, Rt. Hon. John Gaul Lebo and chief Alex Egbona, the erstwhile chief of staff to former governor Liyel Imoke who is known to be the political father of John Gual.

At the end of the electoral contest, to the amazement of everyone, INEC declared the APC candidate, Alex Egbona winner of the elections with about 7,000 vote difference. This situation caused unrest in the minds of PDP big wigs in the state, as nobody could believe that PDP will lose a seat in the entire state to APC, worst of it is that it is unbelievable that the head of the state legislative arm and second most powerful man in government could loss an election in a PDP state.

Although, the PDP family in the state tried to ensure the result was not immediately announced, but failed to secure that, they went ahead to push for a rerun but still couldn't succeed. Currently they have filed a petition against the election and have submitted same to the election petition tribunal who will begin hearing by next week.

In all these, shocking revelations as to why the speaker may have lost have started emerging, according to a source familiar with the story, "there was a high level conspiracy against ogar, because we all know that ogar wouldn't have lost that elections when others were winning theirs everywhere. Ogar was betrayed by his own people". The source concluded.

Another close aide to the speaker, who pleaded to be anonymous, agreed that there was a betrayal somewhere along the line and that fingers are beginning to point towards the direction  of one of the speaker's must trusted aide who incidentally hales from same ward with Alex Egbona. According to rumours the aide collected N500,000 to betray his boss.

Our source also revealed that Speaker Gaul may be aware of it thus his immediate exist from a WhatsApp group created by the said aide just about two days after the elections, as a confirmation, the speaker's chief press secretary was also said to have exited the group after his boss.

Speaking with the said aide on this issue, Asehappen gathered that the information maybe after all be false or just another political rumour as the said aide acknowledged that he has heard the rumour too but had not been confronted by his boss as at the time of the conversation.  

According to him, "such information are just rumors, there's nothing true about that. I can never collect money to betray my boss, the man who has given me relevance in politics, I can't do such a thing for Alex Egbona who does not want to see me with his eyes.

"You know these APC people, they can talk too much, if such a thing had happened by now you should have seen it littered everywhere na, especially on social media. 

"I use the road often, and I want to say that if there's an atom of truth in that story let me have a fatal accident next time I drive". He concluded.

Another grapevine source confided on Asehappen that the speaker's problem may have started when just at the verge of the elections, the house rejected the governor's request of an Irrevocable standing order to pay over 300 million naira monthly to a construction company for the construction of the super highway.

The source said the governor had placed a bribe of N10 million for each of the 25 members of the house to ensure the request scales through, but the house through the speaker insisted on N50 million each plus other personal demands made by the speaker. This didn't go well with the governor and the request was turned down by the House.

The source said this may have angered the governor to work against the speaker's election bid. When asked how the governor did it, the source said he doesn't know, but if the governor could manufacture 65,000 votes for himself in Obudu, why didn't he manufacture at least 25,000 votes for a man who has given him a smooth sail for 4 years? A man who staked his neck out for him to the extent, the CRSHA was called rubber stamp because they never opposed any of his activities, bills, request and budgets no matter how outrageous and funny it may look.

Although in a telephone interview on Hit FM, the governor had said he does not recognized Alex Egbona as a National Assembly member from Cross River state and that in the course of time the truth will come out. 

According to an insider in the speaker's camp. The speaker knows where his failure came from and the whole thing is shredded in secrecy. Nobody wants to speak out.

Secret No 2.

Still on Abi Yakurr Federal constituency election. 

Recall that the Independent National Electoral Commission early last week issued certificate of Return to elected National Assembly members and TDN had reported that Chief Alex  Egbona and governor Okorocha will be among those who might not be issued certificate of returns alongside their colleagues. But surprisingly that afternoon, chief Egbona was seen on Facebook displaying his certificate of return at the premises of the National Assembly.

TDN had carried that story owing to INEC's information on its website stating that only those  whose names were shortlisted on their sites will be issued certificate. And true to it Chief's name along side Okorocha's name was conspicuously missing on INEC's list. So, it was rather surprising to see chief Alex display his certificate on social media.  

Asehappen, last night  gathered from a security source that chief Alex Egbona, actually got to the venue of occasion and was issued his certificate, but according to the source, "him use back door enter, de man pay N10 million. INEC come carry am enter under Kwara state". 

The source also revealed that since after the elections,chief Alex have been seeking for ways to reach out to John Gaul who is deliberately refusing to take his calls. 

....To be continued... 

Country pipol, Na so we hear am o! 

Keep an eye on this page as we bring to you more shocking revelations from inside Cross River.

N/B: The views expressed here may not be the true position of things as Inside Cross River, reports what it hears, see or informed as alleged by the informants, while we try to balance our report with opinions from the other camp.


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As e Happen: Na so we de tuk am